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Nexus One

The Switch From iPhone To Android, And Why Your First Impression Is Wrong

A well balanced article from TechCrunch on the iPhone vs. Nexus One debate:

The Nexus One as should be expected, is drawing numerous comparisons to the iPhone — it seems you can’t find a related review, blog post, or tweet that isn’t gauging the device based on how it compares to Apple’s juggernaut. That’s as it should be. But for anyone considering making the jump to Android, you need to keep one thing in mind: many of these early adopters have been using their iPhones non-stop for years. And it takes days, if not weeks, to unlearn your iPhone habits and judge Android on its own merits….

Jason also brings-up how well the Nexus One does Google integration. As Andy Rubin pointed out in his mobile platforms are becoming more about the software which runs on them than the hardware itself. The Nexus One vs iPhone debate is not only an issue of hardware, but of Android vs iPhone OS and how well the platform allows us to connect to the services that we like to use on a daily basis. Google power-users are clearly going to appreciate the Nexus One’s tighter integration with Google’s cloud offering than others.

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