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Nexus One

What the Nexus One promises: speed


An upcoming Android device will be bringing the speed to the smartphone game. It is currently going by the name Nexus One and will supposedly be marketed by Google themselves, who are the creator of Android. Aside from the impressive 3.7-inch screen (compare to the iPhone’s 3.5-inch display) and a mature Android 2.1 operating system, the Nexus One is hiding something a little special under the hood: a 1 GHz mobile processor.

If you don’t know, 1 GHz is fast for a phone. Really fast. The iPhone 3GS has a 600 MHz CPU and the DROID clocks in at 530 MHz. So you can imagine how quick the Nexus One is. This device zips through the Android OS faster than any of its predecessors. And with a processor that powerful, our mobile gadgets will really start to rival desktop and notebook computers with capable applications.

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