2. RADAR
  3. whytheluckymobile

Nexus One

Nexus One Giveaway: Making a list, checking it twice

Later today I’ll be announcing the winner of our second Nexus One giveaway and have been browsing through our twitter favourites to try to put together a bit of a short-list. This list isn’t by any means final of course - there’s still a few hours to go before the 5pm GMT deadline, but with so many entries I thought I needed to start narrowing things down a bit. And maybe provide a bit of inspiration for anyone else who wants to take part. So here in no particular order is what’s caught my attention so far:

  • puts a nice spin on the Nexus One giveaway…
  • as does , with another angle entirely
  • pokes some fun at one of our headlines
  • - Yes I am susceptible to complements:)
  • - Not sure if I completely understand what this means but worth a mention for the Bladerunner reference.
  • - not sure about how sound the theology is here, but like the rhyme.
  • - wild imagination. One of our posts not good enough - he’s gone and made-up one of his own.
  • - Ok, so I still have a weakness for compliments.
  • - Nice. Summarises the post in just 4 words.
  • - Another example of a much better headline for one of our posts.
  • - 4 million?
  • - not sure why, but sounds like a good idea.
  • - I was hoping for the former, but starting to think I might just be the crazy guy.
  • MadGerald(private) - get the Whole World in Your Hand.. Google Earth has just appeared in the Android Market.http://bit.ly/ap6Yi7

This is a small sample of how diverse the re-tweets have been and also gives an idea of how difficult it’s going to be for me to pick a winner. I have to admit I haven’t seen anything yet that is so good that it just has to win so there’s still time to come up with something special. Whatever happens it’s clearly going to be a tricky decision and I’ll be continuing to search through our mentions during the course of today to find the re-tweet that will rule them all. Good luck everyone!

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Tags: nexus one