It’s time to come clean. Who is Nexus One News anyway?
Since starting the Nexus One news feed back on 13th December 2009 I’ve been fairly quiet about exactly who’s behind the site, publishing all my posts via the fairly anonymous whythemobile. Google’s legal department have recently been in touch asking that I more clearly state that the news is not from an official source:
Whilst our client is encouraged by the fascination surrounding the launch of its Nexus One, including your own interest in its products, our client is nevertheless concerned that the presentation of the Website will give Internet users the erroneous impression that the Website is an official Google marketing website for the device, or is a marketing website licensed or authorised by our client…
Although I thought it seemed fairly obvious that this was an unofficial news source I also thought it wasn’t a bad idea to let people know who’s behind the site. So for the record - I’m not in any way representative of or affiliated with Google and publish all the content on this site completely independently.
I’m David Currin, born in New Zealand, educated in England, and current resident of Prague, Czech Republic where I live with my beautiful wife, Sylvie. I’ve worked for myself all my life and currently spend most of my time building web applications for clients in the UK. I’m a firm believer in open-source software and also love to keep an eye on developments in web and mobile technology.
Nexus One News started as an experiment, and is the first time I’ve really published content so consistently. It’s something that I’ve wanted to try for a while and the launch of the Nexus One seemed like a good opportunity to start a news feed. It’s also been a great learning curve for me with around 250 posts over the past two and a half months.
The giveaways are all funded by me, which has been an interesting experience. I was thinking that the costs would maybe be covered via a bit of advertising revenue, but like I said, the site is an experiment so we’ll see how that goes. But giving is liberating - it was great to see how excited Keith Woo was about getting his phone, and I’m looking forward to announcing who will be getting their hands on the next complementary phone.
I’m going to continue to write about the Nexus One and it’s brothers and sisters as Google brings out new handsets, and related news on the Android project. If you’ve enjoyed Nexus One News so far, stay tuned for more. A big thanks to everyone who follows the site. And don’t forget - I’m not Google.