User Reviews: Keith Woo, Day Two hands on with the Nexus One
Our new biggest fan in Malaysia, Keith Woo, has been putting his complementary Nexus One through it’s paces. Following up on his first day with the phone, here’s his impressions from Day Two with the device:
Nice, battery lasted the whole of yesterday with average use of the phone. Today I put it through a little more thorough testing with wifi and 3G. Been 6 or 7 hours and battery is at 50%. Decided to plug it into the laptop for charging. I realize the phone charges pretty quick, like you can literally see the numbers move up before as you watch. Haha.
Exploring the phone further today made me really impressed with the algorithm intergration Google has thought of with the phone. With the entire world going the Google Way, it’s kinda hard to say that they’re not out for world domination. I’m liking it though.