Another Nexus One for one of our followers. And this time it won’t be random
Congratulations to Keith Woo who took delivery of his Nexus One handset today for following our news on Twitter. It had an interesting journey to Malaysia by the looks, and required some customs clearance but . We’ll be hearing some feedback from Keith soon as he’s said that he’ll send us some first impressions of the handset once he’s spent a bit of time getting used to it.
Since the response to this first giveaway was so enthusiastic we thought it might be nice to follow up with another one. But rather than have a random giveaway, where the chance of winning goes down as our followers increase, we thought we’d make it more participatory. And more in the spirit of Twitter, as our last giveaway was bordering on spam a bit we realised - we didn’t expect quite so many replies:)
A second giveaway
So our second Nexus One handset will go to one of our followers for the most original re-tweet of one of our news posts, past present or future. Your re-tweet can be witty comment, a better headline, critique, disagreement, whatever you feel like writing. Just include it with RT @nexusonenews and a link to the post. If that doesn’t make sense here’s a not very inspired example:
Video: Joshua Topolsky questions Erick Tseng, Senior Product Manager of Android on multi-touch and Google’s…
could become….
Decent interview… despite looking like it was recorded in a bathroom: RT @nexusonenews
We’ll be favouring re-tweets that we like and will pick the best from the bunch on 9th March. The same goes for posts from our upcoming mobile device news over at @whythemobile.
So to sum up. We’ll be giving a Nexus One to one of our followers for the most original re-tweet of one our our posts from either or . The post could be from our archive, or anything that we post between now and 9th March. You can re-tweet as many posts as you like. Looking forward to it already.