How To: Install the HTC Sense Interface on a Nexus One
HTC recently launched their new Desire handset, which turns out to be almost identical to the Nexus One in terms of hardware features. Software-wise it differs from the Nexus One in that it runs HTC’s Sense interface which the company have put a lot of work into, in an effort to create a defining HTC user experience for their phones.
The Sense interface may not be to everyone’s taste, but thanks to Android being what it is Nexus One users can now try Sense out for themselves. Paul over at has released an alfa version of the HTC Desire ROM which also includes Flash 10.1 for Android as well as lots of HTC Sense widgets.
Here’s Sense running on a Nexus One. There’s a few bugs as expected from an alfa release so you wouldn’t want to use this as your main ROM, but you may want to give Sense a try to see what it’s like. If you’ve followed our guide to rooting your phone then you can simply install as follows:
- Download the latest and copy it to over to the SD card on the phone.
- Boot your phone into fastboot mode (power on whilst pressing the trackball)
- select BOOTLOADER –> RECOVERY. You will be rebooted into custom RA recovery mode and allow you to do a Nandroid backup via Backup/Restore.
- Once backed-up perform a factory wipe and then select ‘Flash zip from sdcard’ to flash your Nexus One with the latest alpha version of HTC Desire ROM.
- Reboot and enjoy.